Friday 30 November 2012

Justice denied to the masses

What is the motive for the denial of justice by the much entrusted organs or states, as all this is done despite the conscious knowledge that the retracted justice is the people’s last hope.
First I heard that the United States of America was considering withdrawing from being invoked by foreign civil nationals – who feel aggrieved or let down by the judicial organs within their own respective states. America stated political implications and the growing precedence of having its courts ruling against the final judicial or political decisions of fellow ‘autonomous’ states, as a motivation for this concern.
This was after certain Nigerian nationals won the ruling on their claim against a major British company, accused of abetting and even perpetrating deeds which constituted ‘human rights abuses’, during their (Nigerian’s) war for independence.
Secondly, I also heard of the rather sad news of the SADC tribunal, also retracting its organ of justice from reach of the very desperate civilians – from the member states, who also have been failed by organs within their respective countries.
This tribunal was alighted by the case between an aggrieved Zimbabwean farmer and president Robert Mugabe, dubbed: Mugabe and the white African – subsequently won by the farmer.
Thirdly, the proposed ‘vote of no confidence’ against the president of South Africa (Jacob Zuma), Which was rejected by the speaker of parliament and dismissed as ‘not urgent’. The opposition parties which had initiated the call, have hence taken the matter to court for its ruling, yet sadly, the court has suspended the application – citing the fear of being accused of undermining the ‘balance of forces’.
In all the above examples, it is apparent that these applicants or plaintiffs have resorted to what they considered ‘the last resorts’ in seeking justice. The taking away of this ‘last resort’ without availing an alternative organ, is a mere denial of justice and human rights to the needy.
Sadly the decisions to retract these avenues are  carried-out with such tyranny and cold heartedness that’s hard to fathom. The saying goes: “JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED”.